5th November 2021
The Challenging Behaviour Foundation (CBF) is working with the Black Country NHS Healthcare Trust on a project called “Getting it Right”. This is a 3 year project (2019-2022) funded by the National Lottery Community fund building on previous CBF work in Cumbria. This project aims to listen to family carers and learn about services you value and those that could be improved across the UK. One of the areas that this project is focusing on is the Black Country. The aim is that by the end of the project there are:
a. More families of children with severe learning disabilities whose behaviours challenge feeling empowered and supported to improve the quality of life of their relative and reduce levels of challenging behaviour and
b. More people in official and influential positions introducing evidence-based approaches in their areas and knowing where they can find support
In order to fulfil these project aims, a survey has been created to give families of children and young people with SEND in the Black Country the opportunity to provide information and express their views. We would be very grateful if this could be shared with families of young people at this organisation, so that they have the opportunity to complete this survey by the 29th November 2021. It should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete, and all responses will remain confidential.
By completing the survey, there is also the opportunity to enter our prize draw to win a £50 Amazon voucher (full details are listed at the end of the survey)!
Here is the link to the survey if your school would like to be involved: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/SNPGCZ3
If you have any questions about the survey or you would prefer to complete the survey via a telephone or video call, please do not hesitate to contact the Challenging Behaviour Foundation by email on imarni.hill@thecbf.org.uk or 01634 838739.
I have also included an attachment containing details of the survey if you would like to include this information in a newsletter.
Thanks in advance.
Kind Regards,
Imarni Hill
Research & Policy Intern
The Challenging Behaviour Foundation