Curriculum Intent
At Old Park School our aim is to give pupils the opportunity to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding needed for lifelong independence. The curriculum is designed to meet the individual needs of our pupils, all of whom have complex barriers to learning detailed in their Education, Health, Care plans. Many of our pupils also have physical disabilities and/or complex health needs. We place an emphasis on well-being and enjoyment, providing a motivating and relevant curriculum to maximise pupils’ engagement and support progress. We strive to deliver wide and varied learning experiences that support functional skills, independence and personal development. Preparing our pupils for adulthood sits at the heart of what we do.
Curriculum Implementation
Our curriculum is driven by five key areas; My communication, My Thinking, My Well-Being, My Body, My World. These are underpinned by a culture of promoting communication and independence opportunity at every level.

Curriculum Pathways
Thematic Overview (EYFS-KS3)
14-19 Phase Project Overview

Careers and Destination Pathways
Our careers programme, 'My Future... the Road Ahead', is an integral part of our school curriculum. This focuses on the skills and attributes our pupils will need to gain in order to prepare them for adulthood. We recognise that each of young people will follow their own pathway when they leave Old Park and therefore destination planning is tailored to the individual. We do however, have vision statements for each of our five curriculum pathways. These can be found in the documents below.
More information can be found at Old Park School - Careers - My Future, The Road Ahead
Stakeholder Consultation
During an Old Park School stakeholder consultation in May 2021 on Post 19 hopes and aspirations across all pathways, a variety of responses were received. These are summarised below. When planning our curriculum, all subject coordinators give consideration to how their subject can prepare our young people for life after Old Park.