Curriculum Links:

EYFS Mathematics, Understanding the World, Numeracy, Maths, Science, Computing, 14-19 Functional Skills

Link to EHCP area of need:

Cognition and Learning


Our curriculum offer will ensure that all learners are given the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills at an appropriate level. Leaners will be supported to develop secure learning behaviours focused around engagement and exploration, resilience and perseverance, working with others and problem solving.

Our playing, learning and thinking skills programme will underpin this.



When teaching Mathematics at Old Park School, we intend to offer a curriculum which provides for the needs of all our pupils and ensures we are developing the necessary skills and knowledge to become successful in their future adventures. We aim to prepare and give pupils the skills to develop independence and functional skills. We endeavour to plan for and incorporate an appropriate level of challenge through high quality activities integrating focus on fluency, reasoning and problem solving. 

Our pupils are given the opportunity to explore concepts in depth using mathematical vocabulary and their personalised forms of communication to reason and explain their understanding. A wide range of resources are used to embed learning including concrete, pictorial and abstract wherever suitable. Our Maths curriculum allows pupils to make sense of the world and develop connections and understanding between Mathematics and everyday life. Preparation for adult life remains a key focus for maths teaching and learning.





The Science curriculum at Old Park School has been designed to ensure that all pupils develop a sense of curiosity about their world along with the appropriate subject specific knowledge, skills and understanding in line with their stage of development. The long-term sequence of learning is designed to offer a broad and balanced science education through coverage, experience and progression. All pupils are supported to build upon a body of knowledge about themselves, their bodies and the natural and physical environments as they move through their school life and beyond. They are encouraged to develop their communication skills and use and extend their vocabulary for scientific elements that are pertinent to their own learning needs. Opportunities are provided for pupils to understand how science can be used to explain what is happening, predict how things may behave and analyse causes.

The Science curriculum has been designed to create an awareness in pupils of associated safeguarding issues and strategies to support pupils in dealing with them. This includes being able to understand their own bodies and how to communicate about their bodies, knowing what is appropriate or inappropriate and the vocabulary needed to communication this. It also includes an awareness of, and managing risks in everyday life including electrical hazards, water safety and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.




At Old Park School we passionately believe that Computing has the potential to empower pupils with SEND and transform their lives. With the right blend of progressive, imaginative planning, exposure to a broad range of tools and technologies and comprehensive support it is possible that all pupils can fulfil their potential – in computing and throughout the curriculum. 
Computing and Information Technology are essential tools for inclusion. They enable pupils with SEND, whatever their needs, to use technology purposefully in ways that make the wider curriculum accessible, empower those with communication difficulties to engage with others and to fully include everyone in activities and learning. 
Our Computing curriculum covers the breadth of the National Curriculum and focuses on a progression of skills in digital literacy, computer science, information technology and online safety to ensure that children can grow in confidence in safely using, as well as understanding, technology. This includes knowledge, skills, key vocabulary and concepts adapted from the national curriculum These strands are revisited repeatedly through a range of themes during pupil’s time in school to ensure the learning is embedded and skills are successfully developed. The 5 pathways follow units and schemes of work that follow a cycle and coherent sequence of skills and knowledge. Our intention is that Computing also supports children’s creativity and cross curricular learning to engage pupils and enrich their experiences in school. 
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