07th October 2022
We have been lucky enough to have had Hypa Inclusive Dance company performing in school this half term. Hypa are an inclusive dance company based in Halesowen with the troop being made up of neurotypical and neuro divergent members. Some of the group members are ex students of Old Park School.
Hypa performed to students from Upper and the 14-19 department. There was opportunity for audience participation and a question and answer session for which students pre-prepared questions supported by their preferred communication aids.
Feedback from students and staff has been fantastic. Students really enjoyed the experience with high levels of engagement and I am sure there were a few tears of emotion from staff! Dances produced were really impressive. It just shows the amazing things our young people can achieve given the platform.
Students got together in classes after the experience to talk about how it had made them feel. They put together feedback which we have shared with Hypa Dance company. I think we have a few budding Dancers in our midst here at Old Park!
Rachel Stopher - Murray
Assistant Headteacher