Curriculum Links:
EYFS Communication, Language and Literacy, Literacy, English, 14-19 Functional Skills
Link to EHCP area of need:
Communication and Interaction
Our curriculum offer will ensure that we strive to find, teach and apply the most effective approaches to communication, providing our learners with the skills and systems to have a voice. Our environment will support learners in developing and applying their communication skills.
Our total communication approach will underpin this.

Communication and Interaction
Effective communication systems enable our pupils to make choices, be informed about what is happening to and around them, express their likes and dislikes, exert their human rights and make a positive contribution to their community. At Old Park we have continuously high expectations for all of our pupils and we ensure they are immersed within communication with opportunities to demonstrate progress and develop.
Communication and Interaction is driven by the MORE communication principles.
Means - All pupils will have the means to communicate successfully.
Opportunities - All pupils will have the opportunity to communicate in range of places, to a range of people, at a range of different times.
Reasons - All pupils will have a range of reasons to communicate.
Environment - All pupils will access education in an environment that promotes communication.
Phonics and Reading
Learning to read matters for every child or young person, regardless of their starting points or learning needs. At Old Park School we have adopted the Little Wandle SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) programme. This mirrors the main Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised phonics programme but with adaptations and support in place that make it possible for schools, special schools and providers to meet the needs of all their learners.
Many of our pupils are working at pre-subject specific level of developmental and will therefore access Foundations for Phonics activities to grow phonemic awareness and develop listening skills. Where a pupil is ready for direct phonic instruction, then individual paths of progress are created following the Little Wandle progression map, modified to create challenge and ensure progress for each chid.
At Old Park we utilise the Collins Big Cat reading scheme to practise, apply and embed the phonic knowledge that has been taught.
At Old Park School our English curriculum uses high quality texts across a range of genres to give learners the opportunity to experience, engage and respond to language and literature in a wealth of different ways. We encourage learners to communicate their ideas and responses, within a Total Communication approach.

1st December 2023
Eagle Class and some of Bears enjoyed an interactive webinar session with Nick Sharratt, creator of the You Choose books this morning. Lots of schools took part and pupil engagement was lovely in class. Nick went through the pages with the different options, and pupils were encouraged to make their own choices by drawing them.