Old Park School is a local authority maintained school within the Dudley Borough catering for young people aged 4-19 with severe and profound learning difficulties. All pupils who attend Old Park School have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). We currently have 152 pupils on roll.

The local authority retains the responsibility for deciding whether to name Old Park School, based on the individual needs of the child and any representations made by parents. The local authority is required to consult with Old Park School before naming the setting in a plan. The Head teacher will look at a range of information to make an informed decision. A request for a place at Old Park School must be agreed by the school and the local authority.


Contact Details

Families may contact the Dudley Local Authority SEND Team using the following details.


The Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) Assessment Team

Ladies Walk Centre

Dudley, West Midlands



01384 814360




Alternatively you can find out more information about the provision available within the borough by accessing the Local Offer.



Further information can also be found in our Old Park School Admissions Statement.

A School Life Website
School Life iOS Mobile Application
School Life Android Mobile Application