Old Park caters for children and young adults with a range of complex needs and as such we expect the highest standards of care, support and guidance from our School family. Our staff, School Governors, parents and carers all need to play an active role in ensuring that the needs of our children are best met. As a School we hope to offer all the support we possibly can but will rightly challenge when challenge is needed. Likewise you are actively encouraged to challenge us when you feel that we are not working in your child's best interests. 
The School is firmly committed to keeping our children and young adults safe and as a consequence a culture of safeguarding is embedded throughout or School and all staff are appropriately trained to ensure they are best placed to support families and report concerns. 
As we serve the most vulnerable of Dudley's learners and are a values driven School we try to meet their needs through focusing on the following four areas:

The Unique Learner – Placing the young person at the centre of all that we do

Positive Relationships – Working collaboratively towards the same goal (safe, happy, learning)

Engaging Environments – Utilising our school environment and the community around us

Learning & Development – Fostering a sense of independence, high aspirations & achievement  

These underlying principles drive our School forwards and in conjunction with children's individual Education Health Care Plans aim to meet each unique learners needs. Working in partnership with families, health professionals and other outside agencies has to be of the utmost importance. This is crucial in developing a holistic approach to meeting need. 

I believe that good communication between the home and school is vital in moving any school forwards and for that reason I operate an 'open-door' policy and have promised to be available to talk with parents and carers whenever is humanly possible. 

I look forwards to working alongside you with a simple single aim, to ensure that the children of Old Park are safe, happy and learning.


Miss Tina Partridge


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