Old Park School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined at our school as:
- protecting children from maltreatment;
- preventing impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development;
- ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and
- taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes
If you have any questions or concerns in relation to safeguarding then please contact a member of the Old Park School designated safeguarding team.
Because of our day-to-day contact with children and young people, staff are particularly well placed to observe outward signs of abuse, changes in children’s behaviour or their failure to develop. We need, therefore ‘to be alert to the possibility of abuse occurring, aware of the procedures to be followed if the school have suspicions and have the confidence to follow those procedures.
Our safeguarding policy applies to all staff, governors and volunteers working in the school.